Next Level DM Automations

Your Instagram page doesn't have to be a dead end. Why let a comment be the end goal... when it could be the beginning of a deeper connection? 

… let's be honest, it’s getting harder and harder to get anyone to leave your post and “click the link in bio” or even tap on a story link, amirite?! We spend so much time focusing on engagement (and I’ll get to that)... but what happens after? 

A comment on your feed should be the beginning of the relationship, not the end goal, but how do we keep up with creating the content, engaging with our audience, and making sure we follow up with something valuable to help them out beyond what we’re posting? 

This is where chatbot automation shines. It’s not about having a robot pretending to be you (gross), it’s a tool to deepen your connection with your organic social media community (or paid traffic) so you’ll able to be of service on a larger scale.

You do not need to learn all the complicated programming to use this tool to help your biz as an entrepreneur.

Inside Next Level DM Automations you’ll learn how to turn comments into community, cashflow, and long-term visibility.  

This isn’t just a walkthrough of setting up a keyword, it’s a deeper strategy and mindset shift around how you’ll use automation to grow your audience alongside your business.

This program is designed for creatives to take their social CTAs to the next level.

Here’s what you’’ll find inside: 

📲 “Automatically” increase your visibility → this is where we leverage technology to build out a visibility plan beyond your feed (picture you: totally unbothered when algorithms nose dive for a bit because your income, visibility + ability to help people aren’t fully contingent on social media)

👩🏼‍🏫 Create your own DM Quiz → This is how I turned only 3000 post views into 50 email subscribers in 1 day (with the 1st post about it)... Imagine the results of this strategy used long term 🤯 You’ll learn how to write a captivating quiz that will make your audience go “how are you inside my head?!” and plug it into the automation software… we’ve even done the programming for you so it’s as easy as installing a template (which is really really easy)

Creative ways to use chatbot automation → I’m not here to give you “bro marketing” basics or teach you to become a programmer when it comes to automation... we’re talking about how to increase engagement (and sales) in a totally sleaze-free way.


This is a strategic training. While we will show you how to set up the things we reference in this program, provide templates + where to find support, this is designed to be simple and therefore not an all-inclusive training to the more complex features of Chatbot Automation.

You will need a Manychat Pro account to utilize the QUIZ template provided.
